Memberships and Classes

Welcome to TMC,
Newcastle’s vibrant movement studio where fun, well-rounded practice is celebrated.

Whether you’re just starting out or have been moving for years, our programming and community can help you to look, feel and perform your best.

How to Start at TMC

Join our TMC Fundamentals to get Moving!

Here’s what’s included for $100:

  • Your initial Fundamentals Session

  • 1 Week of Unlimited Classes

  • A personalised Game Plan Session to set you up for success (after first week)

Start strong this year — start together, learn together, and enjoy the process!

Need more information?

Send us an email & include your phone number so that we can discuss your fitness objectives and questions.

Membership Options

Movement Life
($59 p/week)

  • Unlimited Group Movement Sessions

  • 24-Hour Open Gym

  • Access to Events + Workshops

  • No Contracts

Regardless of your level, you can expect to learn handstands, calisthenics, soft acrobatics, gymnastics rings, weights, games, coordination drills, mobility and much more.

Movement Life Plus
($69 p/week)

  • Unlimited Group Movement Sessions

  • Unlimited Sauna Access

  • 24-Hour Open Gym

  • Access to Events + Workshops

  • No Contracts

Personal Training
($120 p/session)

  • 1:1 Personal Training with Rod or Jeni (TMC Owners)

  • Regular check-ins and online assistance

  • 24-Hour Open Gym

What’s in a Fundamentals Session?

A Fundamentals Session is essential for all new students at TMC, even if you only want to do drop in classes.

This will get you familiar with the core movements we practice and give you a better understanding of your own body.

If you’re still not feeling ready for group classes afterwards, we can offer additional Fundamentals Sessions until you are.


Class Overview

Movement Sessions

Movement sessions pull from a vast array of disciplines & styles. 
You can expect handstands, calisthenics, soft acrobatics, gymnastics rings, weights, games, coordination drills, mobility and much more. 
Each session will improve upon your strength, skills & mobility to ensure you are versatile & well-rounded in body & mind. 

Handstands & Stretch

A specialty class prioritising handstands and mobility. 

Includes additional conditioning exercises and partner drills to help you achieve your free-standing handstand (and the many skills that come from it).

Rhythm & Flow

Find freedom in your body with movement to music. 

Working on coordination and rhythm while learning some fun movement skills. It will challenge your mind and body learning to link sequences together.

(ex dancers love this one)
Get your heart rate up with this 45-minute HIT session, designed to compliment your regular movement practice. 

This session recruits plyometric exercises (in which muscles exert their maximum force in short intervals of time) to increase calorie burn, metabolic rate and oxygen uptake in your body.

High Intensity Training