Training to look good?

I used to only just train to look good 

I would stop at every mirror to pause and flex haha 

I was happy and proud with how I looked, as I put a lot of time and effort into building my body up. 

But there was also a lot of judgement and comparison that made me feel like I was fighting a losing battle. 

Now days I practice a broad range of movements and disciplines and looking good is just a part of the equation. 

I am truly living the Movement Life Style, seeking new ways to move, get stronger faster, more fluid, smooth, subtle, skilfull, always growing and learning.

Before using this approach to my training it felt limited, I was always getting stuck and bored of what I was doing. 

Does that feel familiar? 

Now days my training feels limitless, with endless possibilities for me to explore my potential. At 38 my body is improving each year not deteriorating like some will lead you to believe.

So to be honest I still want to look good, but I also want to perform at a high level, I want to feel amazing in my body too 

TMC and The Movement Practice offers exactly this 

When I focused only on Aesthetics I was tight / Stiff/ Sore all the time and had no tools or methods to get my body feeling good 

It took me a while to get over only focusing on only one thing and make my practice more holistic

Many years have past now since starting Movement and I have developed systems to help myself and also support other people guiding them to Look, Feel and Perform at the highest level. 

My mission is to lead from the front, show people what is possible and invite them along the journey with me

If you are feeling bored, tight, stuck and looking for a new way of training and are open to more?

I can 100% help you :) 

Hit reply and let me know what your goals are and I can lead you in making a start.

Also we have just started a podcast for MOVERS, check it out below

Thanks for reading

Rod Cooper 

The Movement Collective


My whole practice went backwards


Remember, you want to feel stimulated, not annihilated after your workouts!