10 Movement Lessons
As you might know, TMC turned 8 last weekend !!
Happy Bday TMC Woo Hoo
It’s been a wild ride that’s for sure, with so many beautiful moments along the timeline
As I was going through some old footage I was reflecting on some of the changes and lessons I have learnt from the movement practice and also from running a Movement Gym.
Here are just 10 lessons I have learnt
Change is inevitable - Don’t fight it, invite it
Celebrate the small wins - It’s great to have big goals, but don’t forget to slow down and honor yourself for where you are, who you have become and what you have achieved so far.
Everything can be improved with some practice - take a look at the tings that you feel you could improve in your life, seek support and make the upgrades you want. If not now then when?
You only get one body - Each day we have the choice to move or not move, we encourage people to utilize this gift of our body and tap into it’s potential.
You can only get so far alone - The Lone Wolf
Failure isn't separate to success - It’s part of the same coin
“Move because you can - and someday you won't be able to” - Ido Portal Quote
Always do your best - Life happens! You can not control everything, but one thing you can do is always do your best every single day.
Work and Play - A combination of Focus/Work + Play is a recipe for long lasting success
Variety and Consistency - use a mix of elements that keep you interested, but keep some staples that continue to build a solid foundation.
Thanks for reading :) We look forward to another 8 years teaching and building our community
Rod Cooper
The Movement Collective