a bit of healthy competition
This week on the podcast Rod and I interviewed Lara and Luca on the podcast, the topic of competition came up. I wouldn't call TMC a competitive place but there is definitely a bit of playful competition...
Caity recently got her 90 second freestanding handstand and when she did that it set me off on a course to try to catch up to her. For me, this is a fun competition - my best is 1:26 so I'm pretty close to catching her. The other awesome thing about this is that i'm inspired to push myself to try a little harder.
What isn't so fun for me is doing a handstand competition with Rod, he can do over 2 mins so it just wouldn't be fun for me. Rod used to challenge me to handstand competitions and i would say yes knowing that I would lose but there was a point where I would just be disheartened by losing all the time so I stopped saying yes and he stopped challenging me.
In the podcast Rod was talking about how we can change the game so that it's fun for everyone and suggested next time we do a handstand competition he could try blind folded! that is a competition I would be in for!
It made me think of roughhousing play. When playing someone who is clearly weaker than i am i always go easy so my partner can also learn and have a go at winning. If i just use all my strength and win then my partner doesn't learn anything and its not fun. But when I'm going against someone who is stronger i go 100-110% so i can try to meet them as best as i can.
There are so many layers to a movement practice and those layers go deeper when we interact with other humans through competition, play and even just through physical touch and conversation.
New program starting next week, make sure you check the classes in the app, next week we have some special pop up classes to help everyone with flow.
Don't forget to listen to the new TMC podcast episode, I'll link it in below!
Have a great weekend!!