Goals vs Intentions
Goals vs Intentions
It’s never about the goal itself
It's about the person you become
While on the journey to your goals
Goals are great and especially in our movement practice
They give us a target to hit and keep us motivated to keep going
It’s also important to understand that it’s not any one thing that you will attain or achieve that will bring you long lasting happiness. I will speak about INTENTIONS later in this email.
By achieving a goal you become the person who can do the work to achieve a goal.
This will have a massive effect on every area of your life.
You have shown dedication to yourself and to your practice, a high level of focus and strength was required to work towards this.
Because you have achieved a goal that once was impossible, you have now shown yourself you can do it.
What else is possible? You might ask yourself
You have now learned that with focus and dedication you can achieve your goals, this will open many doorways in your life, you will begin to develop an open mindset and imagination that runs wild with ideas and dreams.
The way I see it the GOAL is a future pursuit, The INTENTION behind this goal is what is most important
Goals vs Intentions
Goals are external things we seek to attain - 60 sec Handstand, Muscle up
Intensions or IN-tentions are developed within, it’s more of a way of being
Intention is something that you chose to be now, this will create the energy required from within to attain the external goal you seek.
When you are guided by your intention you are choosing each day to show up for yourself
The outcomes of your goals will become less significant, as you find joy in the journey of simply living in alignment with your purpose or intention.
What intentions do you have for your training?
What current goals do you have in your movement practice?
I'm keen to hear what you are working on and If i can support you in any way
Please write back to me and we can have a chat about them :)
Rod Cooper
The Movement Collective