Regret or Action

I remember being so scared leading into my first podcast and also filming the first video tutorials for TMC.

It was unfamiliar territory with soooooo much uncertainty    

Part of me felt like I wasn’t good enough and that voice inside my head was telling me I should wait longer until I was ready. 

But how do we know when we are ready? 

Maybe I would always feel I could be better?  

Then I would never do anything - Thats scary

This was years ago and this fear still exists in me everytime I do a podcast or filming, but I now chose to do it anyway because I know and trust that it’s the right thing to do.

Stepping up and doing these things benefits me in my growth and development and also our community and drives my mission forward. 

If I listen to the fear don't do it, I am only left with regret in the future. 

I never regret doing the thing, I always learn something in the process. 

What could your life look like if you looked at the things you are scared of and found a way to do it anyway?

What are the things you are avoiding ?   

This fear could be holding you back in your career, relationships, physical abilities and so many areas of your life. 

The amount of people that say

“I have been watching TMC for years but I didn’t think I was good enough” 

Is way more than you would think.!!

It’s actually crazy how many people say this

So many people say this to us when they finally build the courage up to come in, some even try other training methods as a way to build themselves up to come and train at TMC

Here it is - ‘your perMission slip’

“You don’t need previous training experience to join TMC”

You just need to show up

Follow the system and progressions and let the gainz come

 It’s that simple 

If you are thinking you are not Strong enough, Flexible enough or Skillful enough to join….. but you are really interested this is the chance you are looking for. 

I am offering a free catch up session to talk through your current abilities and see if you are a good fit for our classes and community. 

We can talk to your Fear and Doubt together, find out why it’s there and I will show you ways you can lean in and do it anyway. 

Simply respond to this email if you would like to take me up on this offer. 

Chat soon :)


Rod Cooper 

The Movement Collective 


the missing part


My whole practice went backwards