Welcome to the Jungle

On Friday night Rod and I took our latest competition winners out for a fancy dinner at Harrisons Food and Wine in Hamilton. Congrats to Sofia, Ryan and Kells!

These guys won the competition by having the highest attendance record in the gym for 12 weeks! Consistency is worth celebrating so congratulations to these guys.

We have a new program starting on Monday, its already up on the board in the gym so make sure you check it out if you're in the gym over the weekend.

Rod and i also filmed a short video about progressions for each exercise in the program so make sure you check those out especially if you are new. I'll link them below.

We also chatted about the new program in the podcast this week so ill link that below too!

One exciting addition for this program is that we are bringing back 5 minutes of personal goals, we have had this in past programs and its been a while but it's back!

Personal goals means that during every class for the next 6 weeks you will be allocated 5 minutes to work on your own goal. Pick one skill or mobility based goal and stick to it for the whole 6 weeks. If you're unsure how to work toward your goal during the 5 mins please ask your teacher in class and they will help you!

For any new members to TMC, i want to extend an invitation to stairs and swim Monday morning. I teach 6am Monday class and after class a few of us head down to the stairs at Merewether baths for a few laps, before jumping in the baths to cool, If you have time stay with us for breaky at the surfhouse. It's the best way to start the week and i'd love to see you there!!

See you in the gym soon!!

Jeni Cooper

The Movement Collective




The Muscle Up