All or nothing

Hey TMC Legends!

Something that came up in our post program party while we were snacking on fruit and fairy bread (haha). Was this idea of "all or nothing" in training.

It's a mindset that often comes up when people aren't feeling 100% due to injury or other life hurdles. Rather than coming in and training to your best level for that day, some our our members bravely expressed feeling that because they couldn't give their usual 100% they chose not to train at all.

Its easy to come in and train when everything in your life is peaches and cream but the real test of character is to come in and train when everything isn't going so great.

The benefits of just doing your best surpass the physical, Rod and I discuss this in our podcast released today so check it out in the link below.

Remember that the TMC leaders and community are here to lift you up. If you feel like you've gone a bit off course and need some direction flick me an email back, id love to get you moving again!

This message also goes out to anyone not currently training with us. If you've had a series of unfortunate life events and you've stopped training all together, reach out when you are ready to get back on track, id love to have a chat!!

Jeni Cooper

The Movement Collective


Living the Dream


Stop saying I can't do that!