Stop saying I can't do that!
Lets get straight into it this week
Lot of people just write themselves off and say....
"I can't do it"
I think most people say this as a way to protect themselves from the feeling of failure in the future
It softens the blow by stating "I can't" before attempting something
But i'm calling bullshit hahaha ... stop that!
Start becoming aware of this habit and catch yourself when you say it or when you think it.
At TMC we understand that failure is apart of life and it's as important as the success.
Instead of I can't
Start saying - How can I do that?
If you're at T M C and you're surrounded by people who can do it, by teachers and our community who have walked the path and can support you in your journey.
If you can flip this around you will find way more success in your life and movement practice.