TMC WEEKLY - Happy New Year!

TMC Camp trip! Let's gooooo!!

Lock it into your calendar legends, Friday 9th Feb - Sunday 11th Feb at Ingenia Holiday Park - One Mile. click for bookings

We have done a few camping trips over the years and they are always so much fun. Warm summer weather, ocean swims, handstands and nights around the bbq with friends cooking dinner and connecting.

I think we already have a group of about 20 people coming, if you can't stay, consider coming along for a day trip on the Saturday, we would love to see you there!

More events!! We have 2 FREE member events coming up soon too, starting tomorrow with a dance workshop with Jack, registrations are essential, click the poster below to book. There is also an interactive anatomy workshop with Alex next week focussing on front splits.

In other news, we have just started a new 6 week program block in the gym. Whether you're brand new to TMC or a well seasoned expert please check out the videos below about each program.

Lastly; we interviewed Jo Denham (long term tmc member) on the podcast this week, check that out to hear about her movement journey! Ill put a link below!

Jeni Cooper

The Movement Collective


Handstand Secrets


Flying into the New year!