Who sank the boat?

There is this brilliant children’s book called ‘who sank the boat’ by Pamela Allen and it’s not just an awesome story but it’s a great analogy for many situations in life, including injuries in your movement practice.

The story is about a group of animals who climb into a boat.  They all climb into the boat until there is just one animal left, a tiny little mouse. The mouse jumps in and the boat sinks.

You could say that is was the mouse who sank the boat but in reality it was the collection of animals all together that sank the boat.

The same can often be true for injuries in your movement practice. It’s not always the exercise you are doing at the time that is responsible for your injury, in many cases it will be an accumulation of things that have done leading up to the event.

We discuss injuries in this weeks podcast with Alex Hammond from The Movement improvement Clinic. Check it out in the link below.

If you currently have an injury and you are not sure how to continue your training while injured, please reach out to us at info@themovementcollective.net and Rod or I will get in touch with you to support you through this time!

Jeni Cooper

The Movement Collective


Physical touch is missing


Messy Movement